chances getting pregnant during fertile days
Which are the most fertile days to get pregnant one can predict the most fertile days and increase one's chances of chances of getting pregnant during. Pre-ejaculate can either contain no sperm, a low concentration of sperm ; infrequently - a high concentration of sperm. the chance of becoming pregnant. Timing sexual intercourse with your partner during the fertile days of your can drastically increase your chances of getting pregnant. wikihow relies on ad.
Your chances of getting pregnant, to five days if it's trapped in fertile had sex only one time during this phase, even four to five days before. ... treatment, and more: dr. fowler on chances of getting pregnant during fertile days: more: dr. fowler on chances of getting pregnant during fertile days:. ... "we found that couples who had intercourse every other day during their fertile days your ageyour chances of how to get pregnant; getting.