can i get pregnant 4 days before ovulation
Dr. durkee responded: yes. ovulatory ties can very slightly and " track_event="topic_hyperlink_clicked">sperm can survive in the female. Can you only get pregnant during can you only get pregnant during the week of ovulation? you can get pregnant if you have sex up to 5 days before you ovulate. Yes, you can get pregnant any time in your cycle just more probable at ovulation. sperm can live for up to 5 days..
... person no you can't get pregnant any time of the month. you can only get pregnant on your fertile days. can you get pregnant 4 days before ovulation?. ... treatment, and more: dr. acharya on can you get pregnant 4 days before ovulation: can you get pregnant 5 days before ovulation? can you get pregnant 4 days. Ovulation and pregnancy how does ovulation determine when i can get pregnant? ovulation plays intercourse on certain days before, during, and after ovulation can.